Switch the distance of Time as Users Need to Change their Login Password

If you’re the ambassador of a aggregate computer or a few in the office, you apparently appetite to accept the users change their countersign periodically for added security. Here’s how to do it in Windows 7 & XP.
Note: This uses Bounded Aegis Policy which is not accessible in Home versions of Windows. These are bounded settings on machines not on a domain. Area settings will booty antecedence over bounded settings.
Changing Countersign Age in Windows 7
Log in as Ambassador and blazon Secpol.msc into the Search box of the Start Menu and hit Enter.
Local Security Policy opens. Navigate to Account Policies \ Countersign Policy and double-click on Maximum countersign age.
Here you can change the Maximum countersign age to what you want. By absence it is 42 days, but you can change it from 1-999 days. When you’re finished, bang OK and abutting out of Local Security Policy Editor.
Whenever you were adjust them to zero, the password would never expire.
Changing Password Age in XP Professional
While accessible in Windows 7, XP gets a bit added tricky. First go to Start \ Run and blazon mmc and Enter.
The soothe opens and you prefer to go to File then select Add/Remove Snap-in…
Now click on the Add button…
Roll down and highlight Group Policy objective Editor…then click Add.
Under aggroup Policy objective make sure it says Local Computer and click Finish.
Now you will charge to cross to Local Computer Policy \ Computer Configuration \ Windows Settings \ Security Settings \ Account Policies \ Countersign Policy. Then as afore double-click Maximum countersign age.
Then change it to whatever you want it to be.
If you appetite to accomplish users on your bounded machine(s) to change their passwords periodically, alteration the countersign age is how to get it done. You should accept users change their countersign consistently and animate them to use able passwords as well.

Exchange Display below the System Tray Clock in Windows 7

If you’re on the computer 18+ hours a day, you apparently await on the alarm in the arrangement tray abundant of the time. Although it’s generally overlooked, there are altered means you can adapt the breadth to affectation altered time and date formats.
Everything looks accustomed here…however it can be annoying accepting to hover the abrasion over the alarm to affectation the day of the week. Yeah…yeah…how can you not apperceive what day it is? Trust me, during a active day you can balloon a lot including your own name!
To affectation assuredly appearance the day of the anniversary or change the date and time architecture to article you’re added adequate with, accessible Control Panel and go to Region and Language. Here you can accomplish changes to the Date and time architecture how you would like it.
Click on Additional Settings and beneath the Date tab baddest the date and time formats you would like to see. Notice What the notations mean… You can change it to some affair in the dropdown card or you can blazon in what you want.
There are a lot of altered combinations and formats you can create. You ability appetite to try altered formats and see what works best for you. For this archetype I entered in dddd/M/d/yyyy so I can see the day of the anniversary all the time after aerial the abrasion over the clock.
Or perhaps you just now want the day of the week and the time only…
This may assume like a accessory abuse to your computer, but it can be absolutely able in allowance you get things done easier. Sometimes it aloof comes bottomward to “the little things”.

Switch default on Wallpaper Folder to My Pictures about Windows XP

Have you anytime wondered why Windows XP had such awfully animal wallpapers to accept from? On top of that, there’s no way to calmly change the account of backgrounds to a binder you ability absolutely use… like your My Pictures folder.
There’s a adequately simple anthology drudge you can do to accomplish Windows attending in a altered folder, but if you appetite to get rid of Blue Lace 16 you’ll additionally accept to annul it manually. (The accepted warnings about anthology alteration administer here)
With a name like “Bliss” you would anticipate I would be beneath annoyed of seeing this:
Change Wallpaper Folder
Open up regedit.exe application the alpha card Run box, and again cross bottomward to the afterward key:

On the right-hand ancillary you should see a amount alleged WallPaperDir, which defines the binder Windows uses to abide the list. If the key does not exist, again you can actualize a fresh cord amount with the aforementioned name.
Double-click to change the value, and again adhesive in the abounding aisle to your My Pictures folder. (Note that you could specify any aisle actuality if you capital to.)
The change should be immediate, the abutting time you accessible the Desktop panel… but you’ll apprehension a cardinal of absence images still in the list. Turns out that Windows additionally queries the Windows binder for images…
To get rid of those, browse to C:\Windows and again attending for a set of angrily animal Bitmap files:
You can annul these images to accomplish them stop actualization in the wallpaper alternative list, aloof be accurate not to annul annihilation abroad in your Windows binder or you acceptable won’t be able to cossack anymore.
Another acrimony solved…