Add up New characteristics to WMP with Windows Media Player Plus

Do you use Windows Media Amateur 11 or 12 as your absence media player? Today, we’re activity to appearance you how to add some accessible fresh appearance and enhancements with the Windows Media Amateur Plus third affair plug-in.
Installation and Setup
Download and install Media Amateur Plus! (link below). You’ll charge to abutting out of Windows Media Amateur afore you activate or you’ll accept the bulletin below.
The abutting time you accessible Media Player you’ll be presented with the Media Player Plus settings window. Some of the settings will be enabled by default, such as the Find as you blazon feature.
Using Media Player Plus!
Find as you blazon allows you to alpha accounting a chase appellation from anywhere in Media Player after accepting to be in the Chase box. The chase appellation will automatically ample in the chase box and affectation the results.
You will as well see Disable group headers inward the Library Pane.
This ambience will affectation library items in a connected account agnate to the functionality of Windows Media Player 10.
Under interface you are able to enable displaying the currently playing artist and entitle in the title bar.
These are enabled by default.

The context of use Menu page admits you to enable context menu enhancements.
The File card accessory allows you to add the Windows Context card to Media Player on the library pane, account pane, or both. Right bang on a Title, baddest File, and you’ll see the Windows Context Menu.
Right-click upon a entitle and choose Tag Editor Plus.
Tag editor program Plus permits you to rapidly edit media tags.
The Advanced tab displays a cardinal of tags that Media Player usually doesn’t show. Only the tags with the block and pencil figure are editable.
The Restore Plug-ins folio allows you to configure which plug-ins should be automatically adequate afterwards a Media Player crash.
The Restore Media at Startup folio allows you to configure Media Player to resume arena the aftermost playlist, track, and alike whether it was arena or paused at the time the appliance was closed. So, if you abutting out in the average of a song, it will activate arena from that point the abutting time you accessible Media Player.
You can additionally set Media Player to rewind a assertive cardinal of abnormal from area you larboard off. This is abnormally advantageous if you are in the average of watching a movie.
There’s additionally the advantage to accept your currently arena song beatific to Windows Live Messenger.
You can admission the settings at any time by activity to Tools, Plug-in properties, and selecting Windows Media Player Plus.
Windows Media Plus is a nice little chargeless constituent for WMP 11 and 12 that brings a lot of added functionality to Windows Media Player. If you use Media Amateur 11 or WMP 12 in Windows 7 as your capital player, you ability appetite to accord this a try.
Download Windows Media Amateur Plus!

Add up Network hold to Windows Live MovieMaker

Windows Live MovieMaker is a acceptable apparatus for creating videos in Windows 7, however, one botheration is it doesn’t acquiesce you to acceptation videos anon from arrangement locations. Here we’ll booty a attending at a quick anthology drudge that will accredit arrangement support.
If you try to add a video book to Windows Live MovieMaker from a arrangement arrangement location, area in this archetype we’re aggravating to add a book from our home server…
You’ll get an absurdity bulletin advertence files can’t be added anon from a arrangement folder, and it advises to archetype the book to your bounded apparatus first. Well, you may not accept the amplitude on your apparatus or the time to alteration it first. Not to acknowledgment there is aloof no acumen why you shouldn’t be able to add a book from a network.
We can add arrangement abutment with a quick anthology hack. Click on Start and blazon regedit into the chase box and hit Enter.
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Movie Maker and actualize a fresh DWORD value.
Name the amount AllowNetworkFiles and set the amount abstracts to 1 again bang Ok and abutting out of Registry Editor.
Now you are able to add up video files from a network location into MovieMaker.
While you could archetype the video from the server to your bounded apparatus or alien drive as a assignment around, you shouldn’t accept to. This Registry abuse enables arrangement abutment and works in both Windows 7 and Vista.

Add up keyboard spoken language* to XP, Vista, and Windows 7

Do you consistently charge to blazon in assorted languages in Windows? Here we’ll appearance you the accessible way to add and change ascribe languages to your keyboard in XP, Vista, and Windows 7.
Windows Vista and 7 appear preinstalled with abutment for examination a advanced array of languages, so abacus an ascribe accent is adequately simply. Abacus an ascribe accent is hardly added difficult in XP, and requires installing added files if you charge an Asian or Complex calligraphy language. First we appearance how to add an ascribe accent in Windows Vista and 7; it’s basically the aforementioned in both versions. Then, we appearance how to add a accent to XP, and additionally how to add Complex Calligraphy support.
Please agenda that this is alone for abacus an ascribe language, which will acquiesce you to blazon in the accent you select. This does not change your user interface language.
Change keyboard accent in Windows 7 and Vista
It is adequately simple to add or change a keyboard accent in Windows 7 or Vista. In Windows 7, access “keyboard language” in the Start card chase box, and baddest “Change keyboards or added ascribe methods”.
In Windows Vista, accessible Control Panel and access “input language” in the chase box and baddest “Change keyboards or added ascribe methods”. This additionally works in Windows 7.
Now, click alteration Keyboards to add together another keyboard language or vary your default one.
Our absence ascribe accent is US English, and our absence keyboard is the US keyboard layout. Click Add to admit addition ascribe accent while still abrogation your absence ascribe accent installed.
Here we called the accepted Thai keyboard accent (Thai Kedmanee), but you can baddest any accent you want. Windows offers about any accent you can imagine, so aloof attending for the accent you want, baddest it, and bang Ok.
Alternately, if you want, you can bang Preview to see your blueprint best afore accepting it. This is alone the absence characters, not ones that will be activated with Shift or added keys (many Asian languages use abounding added characters than English, and crave the use of Shift and added keys to admission them all). Once your accomplished previewing, bang abutting and again columnist Ok on the antecedent dialog.
Now you will see both of your keyboard languages in the Installed casework box. You can bang Add to go aback and get more, or move your called accent up or bottomward (to change its priority), or artlessly bang Apply to add the fresh language.
Also, you can now change the absence ascribe accent from the top menu. This is the accent that your keyboard will alpha with back you cossack your computer. So, if you mainly use English but additionally use addition language, usually it is best to leave English as your absence ascribe language.
Once you’ve apprenticed Apply or Ok, you will see a fresh figure beside your arrangement tray with the brand of your absence ascribe language.

If you bang it, you can about-face amid ascribe languages. Alternately you can about-face ascribe languages by acute Alt+Shift on your keyboard.
Some circuitous languages, such as Chinese, may accept added buttons to change ascribe modes to board their ample alphabet.
 If you would like to change the keyboard adjustment for alteration languages, go aback to the Input Languages dialog, and baddest the “Advanced Key Settings” tab. Here you can change settings for Caps Lock and change or add key sequences to change amid languages.
Also, the On-Screen keyboard will affectation the actual keyboard accent (here the keyboard is announcement Thai), which can be a accessible advertence if your concrete keyboard doesn’t accept your adopted ascribe accent printed on it. To accessible this, artlessly access “On-Screen keyboard” in the alpha card search, or bang All Programs>Accessories>On-Screen keyboard.
Change keyboard accent in Windows XP
The action for alteration the keyboard accent in Windows XP is hardly different. Open Control Panel, and baddest “Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options”.
Select “Add other languages”.
Now, bang Capacity to add addition language. XP does not accommodate abutment for Asian and circuitous languages by default, so if you charge to add one of those languages we accept capacity for that below.
Click Add to add a input language.
Select your adapted accent from the list, and accept your adapted keyboard blueprint if your accent offers assorted layouts. Here we called Canadian French with the absence layout.
Now you will see both of your keyboard languages in the Installed casework box. You can bang Add to go aback and add more, or move your called accent up or bottomward (to change its priority), or artlessly bang Apply to add the fresh language.
Once you’ve apprenticed Apply or Ok, you will see a fresh figure beside your arrangement tray with the brand of your absence ascribe language.
If you bang it, you can about-face amid ascribe languages. Alternately you can about-face ascribe languages by acute Alt+Shift on your keyboard.
If you would like to change the keyboard adjustment for alteration languages, go aback to the Input Languages dialog, and bang the “Key Settings” button on the basal of the dialog. Here you can change settings for Caps Lock and change or add key sequences to change amid languages.
Add abutment to XP for Asian and Circuitous calligraphy languages
Windows XP does not accommodate abutment for Asian and Circuitous calligraphy languages by default, but you can calmly add them to your computer. This is advantageous if you ambition to blazon in one of these languages, or artlessly appetite to apprehend argument accounting in these languages, back XP will not affectation these languages accurately if they are not installed. If you ambition to install Chinese, Japanese, and/or Korean, analysis the “Install files for East Asian languages” box. Or, if you charge to install a circuitous calligraphy accent (including Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, Hebrew, the Indic languages, Thai, and Vietnamese), analysis the “Install files for circuitous calligraphy and right-to-left languages” box.
Choosing either of these options will accessible a alert reminding you that this advantage will booty up added deejay space. Abutment for circuitous languages will crave about 10Mb of adamantine drive space, but East Asian accent abutment may crave 230 Mb or added chargeless deejay space. Bang Ok, and bang administer to install your accent files.
 You may accept to admit your XP CD into your CD drive to install these files. Admit the disk, and again bang Ok.
Windows will mechanically copy the files, admitting fonts for these languages…
…and again will ask you to reboot your computer to agree the settings. Click Yes, and again reopen the “Add added languages” chat back your computer is rebooted, and add a accent as before.
Now you can add Complex and/or Asian languages to XP, aloof as above. Here is the XP taskbar accent selector with Thai installed.
Unfortunately we haven’t begin a way to add Asian and circuitous languages in XP after accepting an XP disc. If you apperceive of a way, let us apperceive in the comments. (No downloading the XP disc from torrent armpit answers please)
Adding an ascribe accent is actual important for bilingual individuals, and can additionally be advantageous if you artlessly charge to occasionally appearance Asian or Circuitous languages in XP. And by afterward the actual instructions for your adaptation of Windows, it should be actual accessible to add, change, and abolish ascribe languages.