Have you anytime capital to bandy out the Windows absence icons with article else? The fresh Windows 7 library icons can be afflicted with a drudge to a argument file, but there’s an easier way. We’ll explain both.
Not abiding what we’re talking about? Open up Windows Explorer, and analysis out the Libraries.
For today’s lesson, we’ll advise you how to change those icons with article else. (It’ll additionally assignment for your own custom Libraries).
Change Library Icons the Accessible Way
To change the icons out the accessible way, we’ll use a tiny apparatus alleged Library Figure Changer from a user over at deviantART. Thanks to Pratik for pointing us appear this tool!
Once you’ve opened up the tool, you’ll be presented with account of icons and libraries… aloof bang on the Library on the right-hand side, and again accept the figure on the left, and bang “Select Figure from dll”. You can additionally use the Select fresh Figure from book instead, if you don’t appetite to use a absence Windows icon.
Note that if you appetite to restore the figure to default, you accept to bang on the Library aboriginal on the right-hand side, and again bang the Restore absence figure button.
Another agenda is that if you appetite to change out the DLL, you’ll charge to baddest it, and again hit the Enter key.
Once you’ve swapped out your icon, it usually shows up appropriate away, or you can Refresh with F5 (though logging off or restarting explorer.exe ability be required).Download Replace Librarie Icons from deviantART [mirror copy]
Change Libraries the Manual Way
Don’t feel like messing with a allotment ofcomputer application from some being somewhere? You can accomplish these changes manually with annihilation added than Notepad. Just adhesive the afterward into the alpha card chase box, or Explorer area bar:
Then annoyance one of the icons from Explorer over to a Notepad window to accessible up the file.
Inside the file, you’ll see an iconReference line, or if you don’t see it, you’ll appetite to add one like so:
The abstracts in the average is the path, either to the figure (.ico) file, or if you are referencing a DLL file, you’ll charge to add the breach and cardinal position of the figure in the file.