Add an fast Launch Feature to Windows 7 the easygoing Way

Do you absence accepting the Quick Launch Toolbar in Windows 7? Now you can get that functionality aback with the awful customizable chargeless account SE-TrayMenu.
Note: SE-Tray Menu comes in exe book and carriageable versions.
Initial Look & Setting SE-TrayMenu Up
Installing SE-TrayMenu is quick and easy…once you accept accomplished you will see a baby “Light Bulb Icon” in the “System Tray Area”. Simply authority your abrasion over it to see the absence layout, theme, and apps available.
To accumulate it arresting at all times you should accessible the “Notification Area Icons Window” and change the ambience to “Show figure and notifications”.
To accession of settings as SE-TrayMenu, right click with the “System Tray Icon”.
The first thing that you will probably want to do is decide if you would like for SE-TrayMenu to start with Windows each time, the type of layout that best suits your needs (you can personalize how SE-TrayMenu looks very nicely with this), and the color theme.
The abutting affair is to alpha abacus in the apps that you appetite quick admission to. Here you can see the absence accumulation forth with their “Target Paths”.
Click on the arrow allocation of the “Add Button” to admission the “Drop Down Menu”. The quickest and best acceptable advantage is to baddest “Add applications from Start Menu…”.
Once you accept called “Add applications from Start Menu…”, you will see the afterward window. Scroll through the account and baddest the apps that you would like to add to SE-TrayMenu. When you are accomplished bang “OK”.
Now you can see your fresh app list. From actuality you can abolish any apps that you do not need, add added apps, or adapt the ones on the list. Click “Close” back you are finished.
On afresh theme, set out, and another apps, our setup turned out very nicely.
If you’re attractive for a way to add the Quick Launch affection to Windows 7, again SE-TrayMenu provides a quick and accessible way to do it. It will additionally assignment with Windows 2000, XP and Vista. While this is an accessible way to add Quick Launch functionality, accomplish abiding and apprehend The Geek’s commodity on how to Add the Real Quick Launch Bar to Windows 7.
Download SE-TrayMenu

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