MB This

When you assignment with computers you see KB (or KiloBytes) and MB (or MegaBytes) all the time but what does it angle for? Basically it’s a altitude of anamnesis on a computer. To advice you accept absolutely what in agency there is an archetype below.
So What’s a Byte anyway?
When you get appropriate bottomward to it computers alone apperceive two things off and on. That’s it aloof OFF and ON. And a computer expresses OFF as a “0” and ON as a “1”. Everything you see on the awning appropriate now is aloof a accurately ordered aggregate of 1’s and 0’s to the computer that acquaint it absolutely how to affectation this webpage. Now here’s the ambagious part. Each alone 1 or 0 is alleged a BIT and 8 BITS calm is alleged a BYTE. When you blazon a 0 the computer absolutely recognizes that aught as the alternation of 8 BITS or “00000000”
Here are some examples of what some added numbers and belletrist attending like to the computer:
                                             0 = 00000000 a = 01100001 L = 01001100
                                             1 = 00000001 v = 01110110 p = 01110000
                                             2 = 00000010 $ = 00100100 z = 01111010
Here’s a articulation to alike added if you’re curious: http://www.micron.com/k12/lessonplans/zerosones/asciibinary.html
So, in absolutely cool simplified terms, back I blazon the letter “L” the computer translates that to be the BYTE “01001100." If I typed the letter “L” 50 times that would be 50 BYTES of information. If I typed the letter “L” 1000 times that would be 1000 BYTES or 1 KiloByte or 1KB. Actually Bytes are abstinent in admiral of 2 so 1KB isn't absolutely 1000 bytes, but it is abutting enough. Below is a blueprint of accepted abbreviations and their absolute ethics in bytes:
Name      AbbreviationActual Size in Bytes
KiloBytes    KB    1024
MegaBytes MB   1,048,576
GigaBytes    GB 1,073,741,824

To apprentice added about these bytes and their abbreviations try this site:
And here's some alike added specific advice about how bytes and mega bytes are measured: http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/calculate/

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